Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Debbie Forster on the Holy Spirit

Just been listening to Debbie Forster on a tape in the car.
She had some relatively familar but quite interesting things to say about the Holy Spirit.

She got the 'audience' listing the pictures given for the Spirit in the Bible. Impersonal / personal - most of the personal are in the New Testament. Many of the personal words used for the Spirit in our translations (comforter, advocate, counsellor, etc) are rendered from the Greek word 'Paraclete'. I remember dad preaching on this some years back. Paraclete means someone who stand beside you in court / times of trouble or accusation.

She also pointed out that in John when Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit it is always with a 'He' - not an it. This is not a translation issue, but a deliberate decision by John, as the Greek word for spirit is always neuter and should therefore never be referred to as 'he'.

That's about where I got to before I got home!