Sunday, May 08, 2005

Belbin's Team Roles Test

(you'll have to email me for the test - I have no accessible webspace at the moment!)

‘How to play’
- in each section of statements you have a total of 10 points to allocate according to the statements which make most sense to you. For example, you might give 5 or 6 points to the statement you felt most strongly about, then 3 to another which you were fairly convinced about, then just 1 point to another which you feel says something about you. Of course, if you felt equally about all of them you would give 1 or 2 points to each. But, as with all such tests, try not to be too ‘fair’ – read the statements through and go with your first instincts. Obviously, the ‘stronger’ the numbers the stronger the analysis will be.

If you want to find out what the roles mean, check out these links…

For interest, I just completed the test again myself.. I have a primary preference for ‘Monitor Evaluator’ and a secondary preference for ‘Shaper’. I think most people would agree that these two describe me reasonably well, although of course none describe anyone completely! I would be interested to hear what others come out as…

Oh dear, I should have remembered this testing thing gets addictive. Just one more…
According to this test: I am INTJ, which in reading the following: seems a fairly good descriptor.
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality