Friday, March 31, 2006

The painted tomb...?

I took this picture while out in Durham last Saturday... can you guess where and what?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Here's something odd, but kind of cool...

A Frenchman called Gilles Trehlin has spent years designing an imaginary city called Urville. His website contains descriptions of the geography, economy and society, but I particularly enjoyed his drawings of places and buildings.

I think these are my favourites:

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

I was reminded recently how much I enjoyed the music video for Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - you can view it on the In Between Dreams page on the official site.

I love the creativeness of it, and trying to figure out what comes next from the clues.. It's a simple idea, but cleverly executed (look out for when the piano comes in), and he does a good job dubbing the lyrics as well - I wonder how many tries that took?!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Abdul Rahman

I was struck by the story of this man, Abdul Rahman, who has been in the news recently, an Afghan Christian under trial for his life.

There is a short video of his confession of being 'a Jesus follower' on the website of the Afghan Christian News.

This man inspires me, standing up and declaring his faith in Jesus, despite the very real possibility of being hanged for his confession. It reminds me that we put our trust in the one who saves; He is only one who holds the power of life and death over us.

I want to pray for Abdul that he holds firmly to this truth, whatever happens. I ask for him to stand tall and be confident in God's presence. And I pray that he brings something of the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ to the prison where he is held, and to the country that wants to kill him.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Google goes out of this world

Check out Google Mars!

There's also a flight into Valles Marineris on Google Video (the HiRes version can be found here)