Monday, November 07, 2005

Recommended Thoughts

Recently I've been enjoying Thought for the Day on my way to work in the mornings. I've never been a regular listener before, mostly because given the option I would rather be in bed at that time in the morning!

I've heard some excellent 'Thoughts' over the last few weeks, almost all of which have given me pause in the morning traffic, something to think about and a much needed break from the morning news and chatter on Radio 4.

Some of the speakers have such wonderful voices. I think they'd relax me talking about pretty much anything! The sudden stillness after the news, a peaceful quiet which settles over my car and those calm, measured tones..I feel like I'm settling down for a story! Rabbi Jonathan Sachs (listen to his thought on 10/10/05) is a particular favourite in this regard, though i'm starting to get an ear for some of the other regulars.

This morning Clifford Longley was speaking on 'live by the sword, die by the sword' - reflection on current events, a bit of history, a Bible story, a literary reference or two... recommended!