Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just the best bits?

Chris has highlighted some interesting websites on his web journal. Check out the Gospel Spectrum, which is not only an excellent use of flash technology as visualisation aid / teaching tool (the media here actually adding a new dimension rather than simply displaying), but also shows some really interesting results.

I was especially interested in the level of Gospel harmony during different periods of Jesus' ministry. A button in the bottom left hand corner allows you to limit the view to those stories which appear in all four Gospels (click '4'!)

The feeding of the five thousand appears in all four - perhaps because with so many people involved it was well reported?! The triumphant entry into Jerusalem is similarly well represented by all four, who tell very similar versions. Plenty of witnesses that day!

The most completely represented period of Jesus' life is of course the period of his trials and death. Interesting that Peter's denial is so well-told in all four (actually it has the largest total amount of verse-space!). That the story of the lowest moment in the life of the leader of the church in Jerusalem should figure so prominently in its Scriptures says something about the nature of that church, doesn't it? And surely something about Peter. The story is told in such detail - how did it become so 'public' without the assistance of Peter himself?

This reminds me of Paul talking about boasting in weakness that the power of God might be made known in us. Do we tell the shameful stories, or even 'own' them in ourselves, so that the grace and power of God will be seen more clearly? We're so adept at only telling the best bits..