Wednesday, November 09, 2005

End of the story..?

I finally got to the Last Battle the other night, and it just blew me away. Far too much to talk about here - ask me about it if you see me though!
I'm still reflecting on some of the things it brought up in me so I might write something in a few days...

Overall I've found reading the books again has had far more impact on me than I'd have expected. I'm still reeling, from the last book especially. My times reading them have had almost a devotional quality and left me praising God and reflecting on my life. Lewis' genius is in painting a picture so spot-on in its representation of the truth of the Gospel, and the mysteries of a spiritual universe, that it leaves you with a bigger picture of reality, rather than a reduced one. For example, the picture of Jesus as a Lion has not reduced him to such in my mind, rather it has expanded my expectations and my praise. For in the end it's the Truth underpinning the stories and images that hits you between the eyes, rather than anything about the stories themselves.

There's something in Lewis' imagery that has helped me to articulate truths in myself, to give vocabulary to ideas lying unformed and to expand my view of the Universe. Behold the power of a story.