Monday, September 12, 2005

Christians in Antioch

I was reading Acts 11 this morning and noticed for the first time Luke's statement that "the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch". The notes in my Bible point out that they were called Christians because, being a mixture of Jews (speaking Greek or Aramaic) and Gentiles, Christ was all they had in common - not race, culture or language.

I was inspired by two things:
- unity IS possible in Christ, across all cultural boundaries and in the most impossible situations
- diversity is a reality, homogeneity unnecessary. Sometimes Christ is ALL we have in common. We don't have to 'click' with everybody, nor mold them in our own image, but we are called to love everyone.


Seymour said...

Truly spoken, Clare.

I have come back to this recently, too, althought I frequently seem to journey away from it into more complex issues and doctrines - at the end of the day you just gotta love people. What could be simpler? And yet it is pretty complex once you get down to it; enough to keep us busy for the rest of our lives, never mind the other stuff.