Monday, December 26, 2005

Barbecued Turkey a Success!

Yesterday certainly had its surreal moments. Pass-the-parcel at church, a bear to dinner, dad with a blow torch and the aforementioned turkey..

Christmas morning started off in much the same way as ever, opening my stocking. Santa had brought me a slinky, some sour worms and a pair of polka-dotted girls' made an interesting start to the day!

Some theology books and new pjamas later and we were off to church. It couldn't be worse than last year, we reassured ourselves. In fact, it was very much better. It was about as far away from a traditional Christmas service as you could imagine and probably the most informal church service I have ever been a part of (but then that's what C-brook does best..)

We walked into a room lively with people greeting each other and children everywhere. 'Celebrate good times, come on!' was playing on speakers and it seemed appropriate for the mood of the morning! What followed was a cheerful and eclectic mix of celebration and earnest message. We were treated to a dance, an 8-instrument rendition of Away in a Manger from the kids, the shortest nativity ever (on PP- nicely done!), a game of pass-the-parcel-with-a-message, a drama/dialogue on the meaning of Christmas, and a prayer for us to 'take this gift home'. All led by a family of 6 - the four girls doing an impressive job taking us through the craziness of the morning.

Christmas Lunch was a little more complicated than usual, due to a broken oven. Veg was boiled and microwaved, but the turkey found a new home in the barbecue!

Lunch was attended by a most distinguished visitor, Grandpa Bear. He came dressed for the occasion and in good Christmas cheer.

Leo is regaled with stories of past glories...

"What do you call a polar bear wearing ear muffs..?"

Dad took the opportunity to try out his new present - the kitchen blow torch! We stood back, but the turkey wasn't so lucky...