Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More puzzling...

Here's a few more cryptic clues for the puzzlers among you. This time they're all towns and cities in the UK:

1. Tying up cured meat with string. (M)
2. Fresh fortress. (N)
3. Envious magical woman. (L)
4. Stupid chips. (Sc)
5. Young shopping centre. (~S)
6. Murky pool. (N)
7. Contented cat with a lisp. (Sc)
8. Farm animal's car. (S)
9. En-suite, perhaps. (S)
10. Wealthy French world. (N/L)
11. Dancing Queens become clergyman.(Sc)
12. Needed for snooker (L)
13. Where ethnic music meets hard rock. (S)
14. Outdoor caterer. (N)
15. Sight the Queen's birds (W)


Matt said...

I'm assuming the bracketted letters refer to the region, ie. S=south; Sc=Scotland; M=midlands; L=London.

cfg said...

They're an extra clue but don't want to give away all the answers... ;-)

Get any?

Matt said...

2 = Newcastle

10 = Richmond

12 = Kew (if that's a place)

Anonymous said...

5 = Newmarket?

13 = Folkestone

14 = Kendal?

cfg said...

7 is my favourite I think! Although I like no. 4 as well! Nice effort Miriam, but don't give up yet - one still left to solve...

cfg said...

Clearly you all found those far too easy!
Here's a few that amused me and might stretch the geography brain cells a bit more...

16. Witches Meet to Attempt
17. Sister was Cannibalised
18. Industrial Lift for Mrs Ranzen
19. Fiery handcart
20. Ruins cooked meat