Thursday, September 20, 2007

War Poetry

I've been reading poetry. I discovered a book of metaphysical poetry on Seymour's bookshelf and I've been enjoying some more John Donne, although my favourite remains his sonnet 'Batter my heart'.

On the Today programme this morning I listened to Brian Turner reading his striking poem 'Here, Bullet', written while serving in the American army in Iraq in 2003. You can listen to him read it on the Fishouse (sic) website.

Finally, this evening I came across 'The Sorrow of God' by Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy on Ben Witherington's blog. Like Job, but with the insight of the cross, this is one poem I'll be going back to.
"So it isn't just only the crown of thorns
What has pierced and torn God's head
He knows the feel of the bullet too,
And he's had his touch of the lead."

There's nothing quite like poetry for expressing truth...