Sunday, January 29, 2006

Husbands and Wives: who will come first?

I've been reading Tony Campolo's 'Speaking My Mind' which has as a subtitle, "The radical evangelical prophet tackles the tough issues Christians are afraid to face"!

It's a series of essays on various topics: women, homosexuals, science, Islam, the 'moral decline'... As I'm normally a fan of Tony Campolo and I like how he approaches issues, I thought I'd find out what he had to say. I haven't been disappointed so far.

The first essay is on women in the church (and in marriage). He's less even-handed here than he is in other areas, but I was especially struck by the point he makes about us asking the wrong questions.

For example, he talks about being asked "Who's supposed to be the head of the house?"

'When I hear such a question, I am inclined to say, "If you were really a Christian, you wouldn't ask a question like that. The Christian never asks who's going to be master. Instead, the Christian asks who's going to be the servant. The true Christian never asks who's going to be the first in any hierachy but rather asks who's going to be last."

Fortunately, I don't have to be that tough in my answer. All I have to do is read what Jesus said about all of this when He taught His disciples: "And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all" (Mark 9:35). Then I simply ask how he could apply this Scripture in answering the question he just asked.'

He also makes the point that husbands are told in Ephesians to love their wives even as Christ loved the church. And he quotes Philippians 2:5-8: "...took upon him the form of a servant...and became obedient unto death..."

He goes on to conclude that 'if a Christian husband wants to love his wife as Christ loved the church, he has to define himself as her slave... What all this amounts to is a living out of each serving the other in love, even as Paul instructs them to (Gal 5:13).'

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


What a funny looking bunch! ;-)

Lighting was too poor for amusing action pics - oh well!

Jesus in the Wilderness

We were looking at Jesus' temptation in the wilderness this evening at cell. I wanted to jot down a couple of interesting points that came up...

- Jesus' temptations mirror the tests that the Israelites failed in their forty years in the desert...they moaned about food, they worshipped other Gods and they tested God.

- The choices he is faced with in these 'temptations' are just the beginning. They represent the choices he will face day-to-day during his ministry:
The temptation to use miracles for personal gain, or else to demonstrate his power or identity ('If you are the Son of God')
The temptation to build an earthly kingdom or submit to authority other than God's.
The temptation to test God, to demonstrate his divinity, to find out if God will really save him.

These choices are set before him, as clear as they will ever be. Jesus sets the pattern here, refusing neither to engage with the enemy, nor do what he suggests. He answers but does not bother to dispute.

- In thinking about the last temptation, it's interesting to remember that of course Jesus will die and God will forsake him (Matt 27:46), at least temporarily. He does throw himself from the temple in one sense, and God doesn't send angels to save him (although Jesus later says that he could call on his Father and immediately have 12 legions at his disposal - Matt 26:53) Jesus' focus is on obedience to his Father, not asking 'what if?'.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Birthdays baffled


I'm trying to straighten out birthdays because I'm useless at keeping track. I'll try and get round to most people but if you're not feeling shy I'd be glad if you'd comment with the date of your birthday - and then everyone else will know too!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

friend or food?

Here's a heart warming story!

Snake befriends snack

Also, check out the link on that page to the story of the lioness and baby antelope - amazing!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More puzzling...

Here's a few more cryptic clues for the puzzlers among you. This time they're all towns and cities in the UK:

1. Tying up cured meat with string. (M)
2. Fresh fortress. (N)
3. Envious magical woman. (L)
4. Stupid chips. (Sc)
5. Young shopping centre. (~S)
6. Murky pool. (N)
7. Contented cat with a lisp. (Sc)
8. Farm animal's car. (S)
9. En-suite, perhaps. (S)
10. Wealthy French world. (N/L)
11. Dancing Queens become clergyman.(Sc)
12. Needed for snooker (L)
13. Where ethnic music meets hard rock. (S)
14. Outdoor caterer. (N)
15. Sight the Queen's birds (W)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Office Linebacker

This video made me laugh a lot!

Google video is impressive - simple, intuitive and fast. Actually I'd be stunned to find a Google product that didn't measure up. They make software that works the way you'd like it to, and more.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

First sunrise of 2006

2006 began with a early start (after a late night no less!) and a drive up to Northumberland to watch the sunrise. Alnmouth beach was quiet and gorgeous.. a beautifully still place to begin the new year.

The Sun finally appears - a good 20 minutes after sunrise!

The sun shines on Coquet Island lighthouse